Monday, August 30, 2010

Some vendors dishonest on ratings?

Many vendors have product rating systems included on their websites. They can be a useful guide especially when it comes to e-liquids, simply because of the vast amount of products available to vapers.

I myself have written many reviews on products ranging from liquids to batteries and complete kits. I would say about 95% of my reviews have been highly positive, but I have written what I would describe as a couple negative reviews when a product did not live up to it's promises, or in a few cases... it was simply bad.

One of those negative reviews was that of a XL 810 model battery. The battery itself worked with one caveat, a Dyson Vacuum would not be able to suck start this sucker. Instead of the easier microphone switches, it used a more mechanical vacuum pressure switch to turn the battery on. Problem is it required so much suction just to turn the battery on you're jaw would be tired before you got your first bit of vapor.

After having my girlfriend test it and come to the same conclusion I wrote a review on the vendors website stating this, as a warning to potential buyers. The review was taken down the same day... hmmm, well may it's just that vendor.

On to the next! Surely most Vendors would want honest reviews of their products on their websites, right..... right? My next negative review came with a small bottle of e-liquid that I purchased from what some would argue is the largest vendor on ECF.

The offending liquid was 'supposed' to be flavored Eggnog. I must admit I am a eggnog fiend. Come Christmas time you can find me huddled in the corner with a glass of eggnog, much like a hobo protecting his last bottle of booze... what can I say, this man loves his eggnog.

Unfortunately this liquid tasted nothing like the delicious white ambrosia that is known as eggnog. Nope, this liquid tasted more like milk that had been hiding out in the back of your refrigerator for the last five months. Again, wanting to verify my results I handed a filled cartomizer to my unsuspecting girlfriend. She could not take one puff without gagging and from that day she refuses to test anything I give her without before asking "what the hell is it".

I wrote a negative review for the offending liquid, which was on the site for nearly a month before, you guessed it, being removed. At this point I started to see a pattern. So I searched the sites many products looking for other less then stellar reviews and not to my surprise, I could not find a single negative review.

I have come to believe that most vendors have decided that if you have a bad opinion, you should apparently keep it to yourself. Has anyone else had this experience?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Peaches And Cream Recipe

I was poking around on last night and seen a recipe I thought I would try.

Vanilla Caramel - 0mg
1.7ml PG
0.7ml VG
0.3ml Lorann Bavarian Creme
0.3ml Lorann Caramel

I mainly use Perfumer's Apprentice flavors so I substituted PA Bavarian Cream and Caramel in instead of Lorann's. It has a nice mellow cream flavor like you would find in a cream-horn style doughnut. And then I had an epiphany! What if I tossed in some peach flavor to the mix, I added roughly 6-7 drops of PA peach and a tasty new flavor was born, Peaches & Cream!

Peaches & Cream
1.7ml PG
0.7ml VG
0.3ml PA Bavarian Creme
0.3ml PA Caramel
6-7 drops PA Peach
1 drop Ethyl Maltol
1 drop Sweetener liquid

Give it a try and let me know what you think!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Joye eGo Review

I started my vaping experience with a KR808 model, but after some time decided to try other models and brands. Pure Smoker ran a special closeout deal with full Joye eGo kits for $50.00, a price that just can't be beat. Apparently Joye demands that suppliers sell the kits inside a certain price range in the US, so I would not expect to see this deal again anytime soon.

My kit came in a nice presentation box that slides out from one side. My kit included two batteries, two cones a wall charger and a usb 'quick' charger. Also included was two atomizers, one low resistance one standard.

The eGo itself is much heavier then a standard 808 battery. The battery has a smooth almost rubberized finish that feels good in your hand, almost what I would call a no slip grip. The threading on the battery is a standard 510 connection. So those who have cartomizers or atomizers from 510's can use them on this product. Note though that standard 510 batteries CAN NOT be charged on the eGo charger.

For anyone who has never used anything but cartomizers using the included atomizers may lead to disappointment. I myself never could get the hang of using them, they vape great but they seem to burn through e-liquid to quickly. I tried numerous tips from ECF but nope, just could not make atomizers work for me.

But that's ok as I never intended to use atomizers with it! The eGo works fantastic with any standard 3.7 volt cartomizer. 510 carto's will work right out of the box, other sizes such as 808's will work with a thread adapter available at many suppliers websites.

So how does it perform? Well it performs like a KR808 or any other 3.7 volt device. Now you may be asking, whats that point then? And it's a simple answer of battery life! I vape heavily and tend to burn through four sometimes five 808 batteries each day. With the eGo I only need two and for many people one battery will last them day.

Charging the eGo is also painless with the included rapid charger. From my experience you can charge a completely drained eGo battery in about one hour on the rapid charger, that's very quick when compared to the slower charging and shorter chargers of the KR808 battery.

The battery life on the eGo makes it a fantastic choice when going out and not wanting the hassle of having to change batteries during the night. If fact for many people you will not even need to carry a spare with you.

With the availability of adapters for most popular e-cigs, the ability to use both cartomizers and atomizers and for it's incredible battery life and quick charge ability I would rank the Joye eGo as a must have.

One last note, if you are interested in purchasing a eGo, be aware that many sites are selling cheaper knock off brands of eGo's. Be sure to verify that what they sell is a genuine Joye product and not a cheap replica.

DIY Mixing Tip

Here is a little tip that can save you a lot of time when making your own e-liquids. Find a liquid balance that is right for you, for example I prefer a 24mg mix with 20% VG. So when I buy my liquids I premix a large batch of my base liquid in a 4oz sealed bottle.

Now when you want to mix up a flavor you simply fill a smaller bottle with your mix and add your desired flavoring. I have found this to be a much more efficient way of mixing my liquids and if you run out you can mix some up quickly, no more having to drag out all your measuring equipment every time you mix a bottle.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ethyl Maltol

Ethyl Maltol for anyone who does not know is a white, sweet smelling powder, Which is used to soften and sweeten DIY mixes. Wikipedia describes it as, an organic compound that is common flavoring in some confectioneries. It is related to the more common flavoring maltol by replacement of the methyl group by an ethyl group.

I personally use Ethyl Maltol in some of my mixes that need a bit of sweetness or that have sharp flavors that need to be toned down. I recommend Ethyl Maltol be used by placing 1/4 teaspoon of Ethyl Maltol into a 15ml bottle, then add 10ml of Propylene Glycol, then cap and shake vigorously to combine the mixture.

Ethyl Maltol is very strong and only needs to be added at roughly a 1% mix. For a full 10ml bottle of e-liquid I use 3-4 drops to flavor the entire bottle. So a premixed 10ml bottle of 'EM' should last you a very long time.

Ethyl Maltol can best be described as a pure sugar and to my knowledge metabolizes as such into the body. Care should be taken if you are diabetic as it has the possibility to fluctuate blood sugar levels, especially when used in higher then recommended doses.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

VaporNine Nebula Starter Kit Review

This is my review for the VaporNine Nebula starter kit. I have been using the kit for almost two weeks now.


I did have a small snag ordering, I believe the VaporNine website has a small quirk about kicking out tracking numbers and shipping conformations before your item has actually shipped. This led to a little confusion as my kit actually shipped a few days later then thought due to out of stock items. Ben was quick at answering my e-mails and the kit soon arrived.


Mine was actually much different then the package pictured on the VaporNine website, instead of the white boxed kit, the Nebula came in a black and gold box, with faux velvet lining. Each component was individually boxed in a black box with gold print and the two batteries are held in place by small elastic straps. I mention this because it was different and because the box itself looks fantastic if the kit is given as a gift. The kit components come in a matte black finish, which has a sleek look. The cartomizers come with a small white band around the bottom. The batteries are unmarked but the cartomizers have the VaporNine logo.


The batteries in the kit come precharged, which is terrific for those who are new to vaping and can not wait to try the kit out. Initial battery life was terrific, although I did notice a slight decrease after the first few initial charges. When I started with the kit, I only had to swap the batteries once each day, but after about 3 day's I have been swapping out the batteries twice. It's worth to keep in mind that I would consider myself a heavy vaper as I work from home and use it at my desk throughout the day.


This is where VaporNine really shines, they have the best cartomizers I have tried. I have already tried those of a few other suppliers and they simply do not stack up to VaporNine's. I believe Ben has made some specific changes with his supplier that has improved the basic design.

First the cartomizers run much cooler then those of other brands. My girlfriend ordered some blank carto's from another supplier, they run so hot after a few puff's that you burn your lips on them. Not so with VaporNine's, I can vape all day long and the carto's rarely rise above a comfortable warm temperature. They also produce a great amount of vapor, and give a terrific throat hit.

Also of note is the fact that VaporNine carto's seem to also burn through e-liquid at a much slower rate while still producing great vapor. I can fill a VaporNine carto and puff away for nearly two hours, yet when I fill a carto from another supplier it drains empty in about 30 minutes.


My Nebula kit came with a basic wall charger which has a USB adapter that attaches to it. Your battery then screws into the AC adapter via the USB plug-in. It has a simple LED which switches to red from blue to let you know it's charging, when completed the LED will flash blue for a few seconds and then maintain the BLUE light letting you know charging is complete. For me a drained battery charges from empty to full in roughly three hours.

Included Cartomizers:

The 5 pre-filled cartomizers that came included worked fine, although I found the menthol to be a tad weak and not really to my liking. They produced great vapor but not much of a throat hit for me. I also ordered a box of empty carto's and a bottle of menthol e-liquid, this liquid proved fantastic and become my go to liquid for the first week of use.


My Nebula kit cost $59.95, I ordered a basic setup without any extra's. I have found since then that this price is a little above what other suppliers are charging for similar kits. But here is the thing, I know Ben stands behind his products and is only an email or forum post away. We recently ordered two kits from another supplier and have had nothing but issues with the kits from ruined batteries to mixed up replacements.

VaporNine's starter kit is what I would call a basic entry level kit. It doesn't come with extra bells and whistles, but to be honest... who needs them anyways? It's a solid kit with good quality components that works first time out of the box. And if you do have an issue, I know Ben will make it right.


VaporNine's Nebula Starter kit, is a terrific kit for anyone new to Vaping. You get a product that is ready to use right out of the box that you know the supplier stands behind. In closing, I highly recommend this kit.

Candy Apple Recipe

An old time favorite, candy apples! Took some time to tweak this recipe to find the correct balance of flavors. As always you may need to tweak to your tastes.

Candy Apple 5ml bottle:
Nicotine Base diluted to your strength with propylene glycol = 50% 2.5ml
Vegetable glycerin (can be tweaked to your liking with PG) = 30% 1.5ml
Perfumers Apprentice Apple = 10% 0.5ml
Perfumers Apprentice Caramel Candy = 10% 0.5ml
Ethyl Maltol (1/4 tsp diluted in 10ml PG) = 2 drops
Perfumers Apprentice Caramel (optional) = 3-5 drops

Notes: The ethyl maltol is optional of course but I have found it tends to soften the tartness of the Perfumers Apprentice Apple. The Perfumer's caramel is also optional but I find it adds a bit of sweetness to the mix that the caramel candy lacks.